


Injectable calcifying agent for bovines.

  • 500 ml
Quali-Quantitative Formula

Every 100 ml of Calcitrovit contains:

  • Calcium Gluconate: 15000 mg
  • Magnesium Hypophosphite: 5000 mg
  • Magnesium Chloride: 3000 mg
  • Potassium Chloride: 26000 mg
  • Sodium Chloride: 850 mg
  • Glucose: 2000 mg
  • Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride: 50 mg
  • Excipients q.s.f.: 100 ml

Hypocalcemia, hypomagnesemia, hypophosphatemia, grass tetany and acetonemia. Diphenhydramine is included in the formula because in cases of shock (due to mineral deficiency or to any other origin), there is histamine release, with its consequences. The addition of an antihistamine favors the recovery of the animals, as it reverses the effects of histamines.

  • 500 to 1000 ml, according to the clinical case and the treating veterinary judgement.
  • In bovines, the calcium dose is 1 g/50 kg of weight approximately, and 12 g of calcium in total can be the optimum dose.
  • The dose of magnesium is 0.7- 1.5 g/50 kg of weight.
  • The indicated doses from 500 to 1000 ml of product provide approximately the indicated amounts of calcium and magnesium.
  • The indicated doses can be repeated every 6 to 8 hours or at longer intervals, according to the treating veterinary judgement.
  • The treatment can be extended until remission of symptoms.
Duration of Treatment

The treatment can be extended until remission of symptoms.

Method of Administration

Intravenous (slow).
Due to the high concentration of mineral salts, the product is irritating if administered subcutaneously, and application by this route is recommended only in special cases, when the treating veterinarian considers it convenient. In these cases, do not exceed 10 ml per each application site.


It is necessary for muscle contraction and neuromuscular excitability, among many other functions.

Magnesium and phosphorus:
Magnesium and phosphorus deficiency in the blood produces the so called “magnesium tetany”, characterized by nervousness, muscle spasms, dyspnea, increased pulse rate and death if the animal does not receive timely treatment. Likewise, the presence of magnesium and phosphorus is very important to overcome the problems derived from hypocalcemia.

It is essential for the functioning of enzymatic complexes and it is deeply connected with calcium at metabolite levels.

It has an important role in muscle function, so its presence is preponderant to counteract the tetany produced by hypocalcemia or “milk fever”.

It produces an immediate and real supply of energy to the organism, which will result in a rapid response of the affected animal. Likewise, it is an effective treatment for ketosis issues (acetonemia).