Recalcificant and Vitamins
Fórmula Cualicuantitativa
Every 100 ml of Albex contains:
- Calcium Borogluconate 18.50 g
- Dextrose 22 g
- Phosphorus as Phosphorylcholamine 0.185 g
- Vitamin B3 Nicotinamide 0.008 g
- Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine 0.02 g
- Vitamin B5 Calcium Pantothenate 0.100 g
- D-L Methionine 0.001 g
- D-L Triptophan 0.001 g
- D-L Phenilalaline 0.003 g
- D-L Valine 0.005 g
- L-Lisine 0.025 g
- L-Leucine 0.004 g
- Water for injectables q.s.f. 100 ml.
Bovine, equine, ovine, porcine, caprine, canine.
It is indicated for the treatment of hypoglycemia or milk fever, and rickets. To prevent
and treat calcium, phosphorus and magnesium deficits. Metabolism regulator due to the
supply of vitamins and aminoacids. It provides energy in the form of dextrose.
- Adult bovines: 200 to 250 ml.
- Adult equines: 200 to 250 ml.
- Adult swine: 50 to 150 ml, piglets: 2 to 5 ml.
- Ovines: 5 to 10 ml.
- Caprines: 13 to 30 ml.
- Canines: 5 to 10 ml.
Duration of Treatment
The treatment consists of only one dose, which could be repeated, if necessary, at the
discretion of the veterinary.
Method of Administration
Intravenous administration or deep intramuscular injection.